The Power Of A Smile

I am always envious of men and women who have a beautiful smile, the kind that light up a room when they flash those pearly whites. A smile can ease tension in a room, it can warm up someone who is angry, it can inspire, it can motivate and it has the power to invite conversation and interaction. All this without a single word.

I was watching television years ago with my wife and some woman came on. “Wow she’s pretty” I said. My wife then said to me, “You know what you find most attractive on a woman?” No it’s not those long legs, or the size of her bust. She looked at me and said, “When you say a woman is attractive, she’s always got a beautiful smile.” I thought this over and realized she was right.

One of my daughters friends years ago, also brought up the smile in a conversation. When asked what she thought she would look for most in a future husband, she replied, “good teeth and a nice smile.” A curious answer it seemed to me, but maybe she had it figured out.

When you work with people, (and sooner or later we all HAVE to interact with others) it is critical to appear friendly, to get along with others, to forge relationships that foster trust. A smile can go a long way to helping you be approachable and inviting.

So take good care of your teeth. If you have a dental plan at your place of employment, get in and get your teeth cleaned. If you require extensive work, book it. Even if you haven’t got a magazine quality smile, use your smile more often and you’ll notice perhaps a change in how people react to you.

“You’re never fully dressed without a smile!”

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